
I published my first package on npm recently, and it became stable and well-documented enough for a v1.0 release!

Canary is an automated testing tool for JavaScript code. I created Canary because existing JavaScript testing tools didn’t quite agree with my philosophy toward writing automated tests.

Canary on GitHub:
Canary on npm:
Canary on readthedocs:

Finch: Interactive Fiction

Years ago I used to write interactive fiction as enthusiastically as I did short stories and unfinished novels, but until very recently I hadn’t touched the medium again.

And here is the fruit of my nostalgic experimentation, a story titled Finch.

Thanks are in order for Joseph Humfrey, who designed an IF scripting language that was pleasant to write in, and for Yannick Lohse, to whom I owe being able to make Finch playable in your browser.

I say, “I’ve lost so much because of you.”
“I’m sorry,” he says. “But we can make it right. I’m here for you.”
I look around his apartment for something I can hurt him with.

Future Cop

I wrote a story about a cop who has visions of deaths that are about to take place. You can read it here.

“I saw it. Like a vision.” I say, “I saw it happen, and I stopped it.”
“What, you saw them run over a kid and then you stopped it from happening?”
“Like Tom Hanks.”
I laugh, “Yeah, I’m goddamn Tom Hanks. Future cop.”